Dating tips: How to crush it on your first date

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Make it worth it<3

So, you've landed your first date, huh? Congrats.
But don't pop the champagne just yet—you have got work to do.

"This is your moment. Don't let anyone take it away from you."

First dates are tricky; you're balancing excitement with nerves and trying to impress without looking like you're trying too hard. But hey, no pressure, right?
We understand you and that's why we bring these dating tips to seal the deal on your first date.

Before the date

Set your intentions

Before your first date, decide what you want out of it. Are you here for a good time, a long time, or both? Walking to a date with zero intentions means you're one bad pickup line away from a permanent goodbye. A date with intentions is sexy— own it.

  • Be clear about what you're looking for. (Don't announce it like you're drafting a prenup.)
  • Don't bring your ex into conversation even as a joke. Your intentions are better than that.

Dress to impress

"First impression is the last impression."

First impressions are a thing for a reason. You don't have to wear a tux but you can't show up in sweat pants either. Giving zero thought to your appearance can be interpreted in a lot of ways and most of the time it comes of as, "I don't care about this date." You do care though, right? RIGHT?

  • Dress for the occasion— sweatpants? No. A turtleneck in July? Also no.
  • A small spritz of cologne or perfume is your secret weapon. Trust.

Don't be late

Nothing screams "I don't give a f*ck" than showing up late on your first date. You know how you hate waiting for an amazon package? Imagine making someone feel like that, Yikes. You are better than that.

  • Aim to be there 5-10 minutes early. It shows your punctuality and care.
  • If you're running late. shoot them a quick message. Don't leave them hanging.

Break the ice

Start with something light. If you dive straight into deep talks about whether pineapple belongs on pizza (it doesn't), you're going to crash and burn. Start with something light: What they do for work, what they like to do for fun, their favorite movies, etc.

  • Ask open-ended questions— don't turn this into an interrogation.
  • Don't dominate the conversation. Give them the space to talk. (It's not your therapy session.)

Compliment them

Compliments can make someone's night if done right. But, the key here is authenticity. Don't hand out cheesy pickup lines you from google. (They aren't even cheesy.) Compliment something specific genuinely, like their smile, or their laugh.

  • Keep it genuine. People can smell fake flattery from a mile away.
  • Don't compliment every single thing. If you overdo on compliments, you sound insincere.
How To Ace Your First Date!
First dates are made of butterflies, small talk, and moments that make your heart skip a beat. Here are some tips to ace and play your A-game!

During the date

Keep the conversation flowing

Ever had one of those dates where you're just staring at each other faces because you have run out of topic to talk about. Yeah, let's avoid that situation. Here's some tips to keep the conversation flowing:

  • Share stories: Nobody cares about the places you visited if you list them like a grocery list. Turn them into stories. Stories add that personality to your words and you. They make you human, and most importantly, they can make your date laugh.
    (Making them laugh? Chef's kiss— instant connection.)
  • Listen genuinely: This one's huge. People can sense when you're not actually listening, and it's a huge turn-off. Don't wait for your turn to speak, instead, listen and engage when they are speaking. Ask follow-up questions to show you're interested.

Ordering smart

When it comes to food and drinks, this is where things can get tricky. Should you order that messy burger? Should you split the bill?—Oh, the decisions. So, ordering smart can be really important.

  • Now, we are not telling you to order a salad, but also don't order something that'll end up spilling on your shirt/dress. Order something that will not make you look like an animal in the zoo.
  • Don't get sloppy with booze, you don't want this to turn into a mess later.

To split or not?

The age-old question: should we split the bill or just pay it ourselves?
Here's the deal for you: Offer to pay. It's very mindful, very polite, and makes you look good. If they insist on splitting, then fine, at least you offered.

  • Always offer to cover the bill.
  • Don't make a big deal out of it. Money talks on first dates are awkward.

Reading the signs

You're on this date because you want connection. So, how do you know if they're into you? The signs are mostly subtle, so subtle that if you blink, you can miss it. (Just kidding.)
If they're facing you, making eye contact and laughing at your jokes, you are off for a solid start. If they are not checking their watch every five minutes, congratulations, you are not screwing it up.

  • Pay attention to how close they are sitting, the closer the better, don't get creepy though.
  • If they are enthusiastic and asking you questions, it can be a good sign, but, if they are doing the bare minimum, they might be checking out. (not you, checking out of the conversation.)

Post date moves

Polite follow-ups

If the date went well and you're thinking about seeing them again, send a follow-up text. And don't follow the wait 3 days rule like you are in the 90s (you are not.) You're a grown adult— act like it. Leaving them wondering whether you had a good time or not? Not a very mindful thing to do.

  • Text within 24 hours, even just a simple: "Had a great time last night, let's do it again soon."
  • Don't ghost if you did not like it. Politely tell them that you liked the time they gave you, but this doesn't seem to work for you.

The next date

Now that you've successfully survived date one, it's time to get creative with the next one. Skip the boring "dinner and movie" and try something a little more interesting. Dress up and show up on your next date a little enthusiastically. Plan something activity-based to get to know each other better.

  • Suggest something fun like cooking together, a picnic in the park or anything that suits you and your partner's tastes
  • Make sure they are equally interested in it. Don't drag them to a horror movie if they hate being scared.

Sealing the deal

If you're both looking for a mutual connection, now is the time to make your intention clear. Whether you want to continue with the connection or just end it here or anything in between, communicate with them. Make sure you both are on the same page.

  • Ask them about how they're feeling about things without being too intense. Keep it casual.
  • Be honest about what you want. It's better to be upfront than to waste time.


Remember, sealing the deal on your first date isn't about playing mind games or putting on some fake persona— it's about showing up as your most authentic self, staying present, and actually making efforts. Whether this leads to a second date, a whirlwind romance, or something else, the goal is to connect and have fun.

So, relax, stay confident, and let things flow naturally.
Worst case scenario? You walk away with a story.
Best case scenario? You might just have a lot more than just a story.

Dress to impress: Pinteresty Outfits for your next date
Looking good for your next date isn’t aeronautics, you can just pick one of these Pinterest-y outfits and ace the race. Read here!

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