What should we talk about on the first date?

Dating app image by idyll, First date talks, Dating ideas
What should we talk about on the first date? blogs by idyll college dating app. dating app for college students . Best dating app in delhi.

After scrolling and swiping through a number of profiles on an online dating app, you finally match with someone and agree to a date.

The biggest question that leaves us scratching our heads is: What to talk about on the first date?

Whether you have met on an online dating app or naturally clicked with someone at an event, confusion of first-date conversations is common all the time.

Here, we will help you through your first date—how to keep it going and how to end it in a memorable manner.

So, read along!


Who said the basics are boring? You can stick to the basics in your dating life too. Asking basic questions can help you form the path to starting different topics of conversation. Knowing more about your date will open up your mind for conversation starters.

Some of the conversation starters are:

  • How did you manage to click on such a cool profile picture?
  • How do you like to spend your Sundays?
  • What do you do for fun?

Pro Tip: Do not ask are you a beach or mountain person?

You might be trying to date the person, therefore do not try to make it sound like a rapid-fire round. It could feel like you are interrogating your date. Let the questions be delivered naturally to them, not like a scripted interview.


Talking about things like "What do you do for a living?" and "Where are you from?" can bore your date. These are the red flags of first-date conversation starters.

Dating should be fun. Ask questions that highlight their and your personalities. Mention the common interests you both share. This can improve your chances of a second date with them.


You should know a person's favorites even if you are dating them from a long time.

To keep the conversation going on the first date, ask them about their favorites. The possibility of opening up new topics for discussion is unlimited.

You can talk about:

  • What is your guilty pleasure?
  • Are you also a Potterhead?
  • What is your go-to food?

For example, if you are obsessed with the Colleen Hoover book series, you can talk about their characters. You can also ask your date whether they are on Team Atlas or Ryle.

To know more about what type of questions you can ask on your first date, read our previous blog on: top 35 best questions to ask your crush.


They say traveling and dating go hand in hand. Talking about travel is the top tier of all conversational topics. Travel topics can help you learn about the good and bad adventures of your date.

Who doesn't like vacations? Talking about trips can lighten up their mood and refresh their memories.

You can ask:

  • What are the destinations on your bucket list?
  • Do you like hiking? Which is your favorite trail?
  • Which is the most interesting place you have traveled to?

It can determine your compatibility with your date. If something comes up in common, you both can even plan for it!


If small talk and one-word answers bore you, ask questions that they genuinely want to answer. It keeps the conversation flowing smoothly.

You can ask:

  • What’s the one quality you wish you had?
  • Do you think that being of the same caste matters anymore?
  • What is that one thing that keeps you going every day?

Asking such questions will show that side of your date, which can be unexpected and new to you.


Dating is a process where you get to know about something new or other every time. A first date is a way of learning about that person, whether your personalities match or not.

To deepen your connection, you have to go on other dates. Towards the end of the date, ask silly and lighthearted questions.

Some of them are:

  • Do you know that seeing kids smile makes my day?
  • What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?

Making your date smile toward the end will help them remember the date as a fun one and not as a boring one.

Graciously end the date by saying:

  • Let's call for the check.
  • Should we head home? It's getting late.
  • Care for another round? Or should we split the bill?

Not sounding fake is important when you ask such questions.

If you mentally imagined a second date with them, why not drop subtle hints by asking them?

Try asking questions like:

  • What are your plans next week?
  • There’s a café I want to go to, care to join?

It may be scary to ask, but going for it is the actual adventure. They might say no, but that is totally okay.

These tips act as a small marathon class for first-date conversation starters. You can make your first date memorable with a bit of preparation.

Be yourself, be genuine, and ask open-ended questions, and you are good to go.

Happy Dating!

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