Texting Etiquette in Dating: Dos and Don’ts
Ah, texting in dating. Where hearts flutter, emojis thrive, and miscommunication reigns supreme.

Ah, texting in dating. Where hearts flutter, emojis thrive, and miscommunication reigns supreme. If dating were a video game, texting would be the tutorial level–except it's full of hidden traps, unclear objectives, and the real chance of being ghosted.
But fear not! This blog will guide you through the treacherous terrain of texting etiquette with a dash of sarcasm and a dollop of advice.
Because let's face it, we all need a little help when it comes to mastering the fine art of text-based flirting. And yes, we'll generously sprinkle " texting tips" like parmesan on your dating spaghetti.
Table of Contents:
The Dos
Do respond
Let's start with the basics: Texting someone back is not optional. It's the social equivalent of breathing. Sure, playing hard-to-get is a thing, but ignoring texts for days? That's called being unavailable.
Pro tip: If you're "too busy" to reply for 48 hours, consider what else you're too busy for–like building a meaningful connection. Reply in a reasonable time frame; no one's expecting nanosecond responses, but don't let it marinate until it's irrelevant either.

Do use actual words
In the thrilling world of dating, "K" is not a word; it's a mood killer. If you're too lazy to write out "okay", you're giving off the energy of someone who'd rather nap than date.
Grammar matters, too–yes, even in texts. Full sentences make you look thoughtful and mature. Or at least like you graduated high school.
Do match their energy
If they send you a funny meme, laugh. If they write a heartfelt paragraph, don't reply with a thumbs-up emoji. Texting is a vibe check.
If you're always lukewarm when they're on fire, they'll eventually extinguish the flame. Texting tip: Read the room--or in this case, the chat thread. Matching tone and energy is like speaking the same language in Text-land.

Do ask questions
The most exhilarating conversations are two-sided. If you're only responding with "Haha" or "Cool", congrats, you've achieved the conversational equivalent of watching paint dry.
Asking questions shows curiosity and keeps the convo alive. A simple "How was your day?" or "What did you think of that plot twist?" can turn a bland chat into an actual connection.
The Don'ts
Don't overuse emojis.
Listen, we all love a good 😂 or 🙌. But if your texts look like hieroglyphics, you've gone too far. It's cute in moderation, but a tsunami of emojis makes you look like a 12-year-old who just discovered texting.
Don't play games
You know what's fun? Board games. Do you know what's not? "Let's wait three hours before texting back because they took three hours."
Playing games is childish and exhausting. If you like someone, text them. If you're unsure how they feel, communicate. Shocking, I know.
Texting tip: Clarity is refreshing in the murky waters of modern dating. Be real.

Don't overshare immediately.
Texting is not therapy. If you dump your life story on someone's screen on day one, they'll run faster than you can say, "It all started in childhood."
Build rapport before diving into heavy topics. Mystery is intriguing; emotional unburdening is not–at least not too soon.
Don't misinterpret silence.
Not every delayed response is a sign they're ghosting you. People have jobs, lives, and maybe even pets to attend to.
Don't spiral into overthinking if they're not glued to their phone 24/7. Patience, grasshopper. Not every lull in conversation spells doom.
Texting in dating doesn’t have to be a minefield of misunderstandings and missteps. By following these dos and don’ts, you can navigate the texting world with confidence, charm, and just the right amount of sarcasm. So, are you also tired of misreading texts like ancient scrolls? On Idyll, we match you with people who reply in full sentences.