The Ultimate Guide to Low- Budget Thoughtful Gifting!

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We got your back! Don't worry <3 

Time's ticking, your partner is expecting a little something special, and your wallet is giving you a side eye like, "Really? Now?" Don't worry, we're not here to judge. (been there, done that.) But before you start googling, "low-budget gift ideas," "last-minute gift ideas," or "what to gift my partner?" Take a deep breath.

We are about to become gifting geniuses with these low-budget, last-minute gifting ideas we bring for you today.

Personal and heartfelt

What's more moving than receiving a personalized gift from your partner?
Spoiler: Nothing
Exactly, so since we want to make our partners fall head over heels with us all over again, we are gonna make some personalized gifts for our partner.

Jar of Love Notes

Find a jar (or any container, unless you want to be aesthetic) and fill it with little love notes. Fill each note with small words of appreciation, the reason why you love them, any sweet memories, or any inside jokes.
Gifting this to your partner will make them fall for you (metaphorically) again.

And, now, every time they miss you, they can pull these little love notes personalized specifically for them and cherish the memories. (and you!)

"You had me at ‘hello’".
Jerry Maguire

Customized Puzzle

Order a custom puzzle with a picture. This picture could be anything from a special moment you enjoyed together, a trip you enjoyed together, a pet, or anything that floats your boat.

Just make sure that after gifting this, you are spending time with them to put puzzle pieces in place together with them, and now its a win-win situation: time spent together, a personalized gift, and a happy partner.

"You complete me."
Jerry Maguire

Memory Box

Decorate a simple box and fill it with little mementos. Pictures from your first date, love letters shared, gifts, small charms, or anything that is personal and special to your relationship.

One moment you are bickering with them, and the next you are going down memory lane about how far you came along.

"I’d rather spend one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone."
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
gifting love, gifting memory box, idyll, idyll dating,
Memory box

A Romantic Love Letter

Think of the movie The Notebook, where Noah write 365 letters to Allie. Now, we are not asking you to be that intense (unless you want to be the next Noah?) but here's what you can do:

Grab a piece of paper and pen and scribble down your love for them. Write about why you love them, a moment you are reminiscing about or want to recreate, or an inside joke you shared.

Pluck some flowers from your garden and gift them along with the letter. Reading it will hit them right in the gut.

"I’ve loved you for a thousand lifetimes, and I will love you for a thousand more."

Creative and DIY

Gifts don't always need to be expensive and exquisite, you know. Sometimes you can get a little creative and do it yourself. And with these few ideas, you can finally channel your love through creativity.

DIY coupon book

Like that scene from Friends where Monica gives Chandler a set of coupons on their anniversary, create a fun coupon book filled with “redeemable” activities. Think movie nights, adventure trips, and dates. (Get creative.)  Gifting this to your partner lets them redeem these personalized coupons when they miss you or want attention.

This is the kind of gift that always keeps on giving, and what more would you want than a satisfied partner?
(Make sure to respect the choice when they redeem these love coupons!)

Gifting love coupons, idyll, idyll dating,
Love coupons 

Playlist (with a twist)

Making playlists is a classic move, we know, but today we are going to do it with a twist. So, make that playlist with their favorite songs and your favorite songs, and then overlay your voices over these songs. (even if you sound like dying hyena) And if you want to make it super personal, add sweet notes with each song on why you chose that specific song, a sweet memory, or anything else you want to add.

And gifting this takes the whole customized playlist to a whole new level.
(And you don't go broke for this)

gifting personalized playlist, idyll, idyll dating,
Personalized playlist

Adventure Map

"It's all about the journey."

Isn't it? So, get creative, grab a map (real or digital), and mark the places that you have travelled to or want to travel to. Add some cute notes, pictures or anything else you want to give it that extra special touch.

And now this little gift can work as a reminder of all the adventures lived together and others yet to come.

The Favorite Things Basket

Create a basket (either from scratch or just buy one?) and fill it up with your partner's favorite things—snacks, drinks, a book, or even their favorite movie.
Now gifting this will make them realize how well you know them. Plus, it will come off as a thoughtful and useful gift.

Everything in that basket is something they love, gifted by someone they love.

Gifting books, chocolates and lots of love, idyll, idyll dating,
Basket full of love

Experiential and fun

Now, if you and your partner prefer experiences and fun together over materialistic gifts, these ideas are here for your rescue. Spend time with them, creating memories and having fun with these fun experiences.

Home-cooked dinner date

If you are cooked because you forgot to take them to that expensive Italian restaurant, worry not; bring an Italian restaurant home.
Call them over for a Home-cooked dinner date or even cook together, add some candlelight, soft music and some flowers to the environment and boom- instant romantic mood setup is ready.

P.S.: Don't blow your kitchen while focusing on romance, please.

Handcrafted jewelry

Call them up for a little jewelry-making together. Attend a random class or just learn from online tutorials and make personalized and customized jewelry for each other.
And, no, you don't need expensive materials for this.

There's something special about wearing accessories made specifically for you. It's personal, unique, and comes straight from the heart. And the fact that their partner made it with them adds to the experience and love.

Gifting handcrafted jewelry, with love, idyll, idyll dating,
Handcrafted jewelry

Surprise Picnic

Pack your bags with some basic supplies and some tasty treats and take them on a surprise picnic date together. It can be your nearby park, beach, mountain, or even the floor of your living room. (If the weather isn't supportive.)

The experience and company add to it's charm, as does the fact that you put in effort to spend time with them.

"It’s all about the experience and the company, after all."


It is not rocket science to plan gifts for your partner on a tight budget. As they say, "It's the thought that counts." So, put in some thought, take ideas from here, personalize it according to your partner's taste, and keep the love boat floating.

Whether you are scribbling a heartfelt note, planning a surprise picnic, or creating a personal playlist, it's all about the thought and effort you put in. So, the next time you are in a gifting pinch, remember that a little bit of effort and a lot of love can go a long way.

All the best, gifting geniuses! <3

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