The Truth Hurts: Signs that they are losing interest in you

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It hurts but its true!

Interest is a funny thing, isn't it? It's what get the fire going, what makes your heart skip a beat, makes you feel butterflies in stomach, etc.
But when the same interest starts to fade, well, that's when the complication starts.

Relationships start to feel like Netflix algorithms, and figuring out if someone is interested starts feeling like solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded.
Worry not, because we bring you some telltale signs that might indicate their interest is fading away faster than you snooze your alarm.

Communication Gap

Communication is essential in any relationship, so if they start giving you short, uninterested replies, then sorry to say, but they are just not into you anymore.

Short, unenthusiastic Replies

The length of the conversation is decreasing, or they don't sound enthusiastic anymore, or maybe you are getting one-word answers or generic phrases. Well, this is the initial sign that they have stopped putting effort into the conversation and the relationship.

"I wish I knew how to quit you."
— Brokeback Mountain
no interest or love anymore?
Short replies 

No More Meaningful Discussions

Are you noticing that the usual deeper and more meaningful conversation has vanished? Discussion about each others feelings are decreasing day by day and more shallow conversations are replacing them. That's a red flag right there and most probably means that their interest is fading faster than the nail paint.

"We need to talk."

Delayed Responses

What used to be quick back-and-forth messaging now drags out, and if it makes you feel like you are bothering them by trying to communicate, then maybe the feelings are not that mutual anymore.
And I know the reality hurts but "Life goes on" (whether we want to or not)

“We’re not just friends anymore. We’re strangers who used to know each other.”
– Notting Hill

Always Busy

"Babe, I am busy."
(Always busy?)
Well Spoiler Alert: they are not busy, you are just not that important. (I am sorry, not.)

Frequent Cancellations

There used to be a time when their schedule was always free for you, and now suddenly it's always filled with "oops, something came up".
Well here's some news for you: They have mastered the art of dodging plans like a pro.

Or maybe avoiding you is their new hobby?

no interest in dates anymore
Cancelled plans

Suddenly busy with other commitments

"Maybe." "We will see."
Well these kind of reluctance to commit to spending time together can often be a sign of loosing interest.

Asking them to make plans has started to feel like getting an appointment with President of America. Well, then they have perfected their "let's avoid making plans" dance.

"Sorry, I can't; I have to wash my hair."

Unwillingness to commit to plans

Are they suddenly busier than the squirrel on Espresso? Their calendar is overflowing with urgent meetings, hangouts, social gatherings, or even their mysterious personal project.

Suddenly, their schedules are packed tighter than the 1900s corsets, so maybe its their way of politely avoiding your company

(P.S.: Everyone gets busy, Take this advice with caution.)

"It's a definite maybe."
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No Efforts?

Well, does this even need explanation?
They just stop putting in efforts like they used to. Duh!
Only if love was that easy.

No More Thoughtful Gestures

The sweet little things that made them them—a random coffee date, sending a random cute text, or planning special dates—are gone. ("The love is gone")

This lack of effort often shows that they are not interested in making you happy anymore.

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

Minimal attention to your needs

The most attentive person, the person who used to remember all the important dates, the person who used to check in on you randomly, has suddenly stopped paying attention to you?

Now, they sound too busy, mundane, and busy in themselves.
This could be one of the telltale signs that they are losing interest in you.

"I don't know how to fix us anymore."

Lack of initiative

If they no longer take the initiative to plan dates, movie nights, fun activities together, etc., and the burden is all on you to plan everything out, then the relationship is starting to become one-sided.

This is one of those subtle signs that indicates a loss of interest in your partner.

loss of interest
Not initiating dates 

No longer a priority

"No one is ever too busy; it is just matter of priorities."

This Quote pretty much sums it up. They are not too busy, You are just not the priority anymore.

Putting friends first

Suddenly, the number of hangouts with friends has increased. They keep choosing time spent with them over time spent with you.

When they start prioritizing social activities without including you, it's as clear as the sun that their interest in relationships has been crushed faster than the Titanic.

"Friends are the family you choose for yourself"
(Just not at your own or your partner's expense)
Idyll, Online dating, college dating
No longer priority

More time for hobbies or work

They are suddenly too busy with their work, personal projects, or investing time in their hobbies. Now, it's no way wrong to invest time in these things, but when they constantly start pushing you away and choosing these things over you, it's cause for concern.

"Work; it's a four-letter word."

Lack of availability

They're rarely available to spend time with you, and when if you do meet, it starts feeling more like an appointment than a date.

This lack of availability can be a sign that you are not a priority anymore.

"I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour...."
— Friends

Gut Instincts

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Your instincts are mostly right

Intuitive Unease

That feeling when you know that something's wrong but can't put the finger on what exactly—that's what I am talking about.
If your intuition suddenly starts questioning their interest, maybe it's time for you to start questioning it too.

"I have a bad feeling about you."

Subtle behavioral changes

You start noticing little changes in them, like less eye contact, a lack of enthusiasm for meeting you, etc. These subtle behavioral shifts are often hard to pinpoint but are one of the most subtle signs of their losing interest in you.

"Something's changed. It's like a little light went out inside of you."

Feeling of disconnect

Even when there are no obvious signs, you still start feeling a sense of disconnection between you two. Maybe your instincts are trying to warn you about the upcoming roadblock.

Trusting your gut is crucial because it often picks up on things that your mind has not fully processed yet.

"You know when you are in a dream and you are about to wake up, but you are not awake yet? It feels like that." — Inception


Relationships are about balance, and when one person's interest starts to fade away, the balance is disrupted. Catching on to these signs of losing interest is essential, not just for the relationship but for your own mental peace.

Its hard to face the truth, but being honest with yourself about what's happening is the first step in the right direction. Whether you want to fix the relationship or get out of it, you have to be honest with yourself before anything else.

"I can't think about it right now. If I do, I will go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow."

This quote pretty much sums up how we feel when we start questioning our partner's interest, but you have to understand that there is no tomorrow, only today.

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