Love: In its different kinds

Love: In its different kinds

Love isn't one-size-fits-all, no matter how much you might think all those rom-coms have it figured out. There's that heart-racing, can't-breathe kind of love, and then there's the "I love you, but if you leave your dirty socks on the floor one more time, I swear..." kind of love.

And today we are on a ride to explore all these kinds of love.

Romantic Love

The kind of love that makes your heart race and brain malfunction. You know, that mess of emotions where you're either all in, or questioning your life choices every damn second. When it's good, you feel like you're starring in the next Oscar-winning rom-com, but when it crashes? It's like a slow motion car wreck you just can't look away from.

"When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew"— William Shakespeare

Romantic love isn't just physical; it hits you right into the feels. You share secrets, vulnerabilities, and maybe even your Netflix password (that's commitment). The downside— sometimes you get too much into it. Suddenly, you are stalking someone's Instagram because your romantic interest liked their picture.

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."
— Aristotle
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Romantic love

Familial Love

Let's get real about it for a second. It's that mix of loyalty and "I'll tolerate you because I have to." kind of love. This is the kind of love where you get in fights for who gets the control of TV remote, or who will eat the last slice of pizza. This is the ultimate rollercoaster of, "leave me alone" and "I can't live without you."

Blood may be thicker, but it can still boil

But you can't pick and choose your family, so you're stuck with those lovable maniacs. Even though families are not all sunshine, at the same time they're those "we're in this together" people for most of us. (Excluding abusive families.)

"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
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Familial love

Platonic love

The kind of love that you get from that friend who has seen you ugly cry and still chose to hang out with you the very next day. You can hangout with them in sweats, no makeup, and still feel 100% accepted. They've seen you in all your messy glory and don't care at all.

"A good friend is like a four-leafed clover; hard to find and lucky to have."
— Irish proverb

It's pure, uncomplicated, and honestly, sometimes even better than romance since no one is breaking your heart here, Just make sure you don't fall in the friend zone trap— you know exactly what we are talking about. You don't have to impress them, and they're not going to ghost you over a communication misunderstanding.

Compassionate love

Compassionate love is where you hit that level of "I'm here for you, no matter what." It's sometimes (mostly) deeper than friendship and romance— it's when you are genuinely invested in someone's happiness and well-being, without expecting anything in return.

"Compassion isn't about solutions. It's about giving all the love that you've got."

It's mature, it's steady, and it's all about being a real one. You're not loving them to get something in return— you just genuinely want the best for them. It's the kind of love that's calm, consistent, and quietly powerful. You see the person for who they are and still appreciate them on a deeper level. You don't need or want them to be perfect because you love them for all their imperfections too.

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Compassionate love


This one's the key. If you're not loving the person you see in the mirror every day, how can you expect any form of love from someone else? If you're not putting yourself first, what are you even doing? This is the kind of love where you embrace all that hotness, quirks, flaws, and everything else— everything that makes you, YOU.

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
— Buddha

Contrary to what many believe, self-love is not selfish, it's necessary. Self-love can help you in all sort of ways, it helps you set higher standards and clear boundaries. You don't let people walk all over you because you respect yourself too much for that nonsense.

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Unconditional love

The purest and most profound form of love— that's what unconditional love is. This is the kind of love some see in their dog's eyes, or if they're lucky enough, in their real-life soulmate's eyes. It's rare and hard to find, but when you do find it? you don't let go.

"You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear."

It's not the bare minimum or high standards, it's gold standards adorned with pearls. And if we get honest for a second— we all want to be on the receiving end of this kind of love at least once in our lives. Through thick and thin, no matter how messy life gets, this love stays; it isn't going anywhere. It's the kind you dream of but rarely find. The kind people kill and die for.

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Rise in love


At the end of the day, love is one thing that binds us all together, whether it's the electric fire of romance, the comforting presence of family, or the loyal friendship that never fades. From the selfless compassion we offer to others to the self-love we have for ourselves, each kind of love adds a layer of richness to our lives.

Unconditional ticket? That's the golden ticket— the rarest, the purest, the best form that transcends all expectations.

No matter where you're at— single, in love, heartbroken, or anywhere in between— remember that love comes in many forms, and each has it's own magic. You don't have to choose just one, because life's too short to not embrace them all. And believe in yourself that you deserve all the forms of love the world has to offer.

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