How to make a good impression on the first date?

Some of the best tips to make a good impression on your first date

dating ideas for your first date
How to make a good impression on the first date? by idyll college dating app. Dating app in delhi

After so many attempts, when the time comes to meet your perfect right swipe, the moment can be palm-twitching.

It can be intimidating to impress your date on the very first date. The nervousness of meeting them for the first time, butterflies in the stomach, awkward silences—all these can be overwhelming.

Fear not.

We have got the perfect crash course for you on making the best first impression!


The everyday confusion of "What to wear" increases more when going on a first date. Dressing well is important, but it should be done to express yourself, not to impress others. You will be 10 times more attractive when you dress according to who you really are. If casual dressing is your mantra, rock it. If glamour dressing is your go-to style, wear it with a bang!

When you feel good about what you are wearing, it shines through.


Greeting in the most appropriate way is still a dilemma for many. Should you go for a warm hug or a friendly handshake? The simple answer to this is to feel the vibe! Put a charming smile on your face; it is generally contagious. A Hello followed by a simple and sweet smile is enough. If you both feel strong chemistry, you can go for a warm, friendly hug.

Hint: Do not smile awkwardly!!


Being mannered won’t hurt you even a little bit. Trying to say "please" and "thank you" leaves a long-lasting impression. Be kind, polite, and soft-spoken. Being calm in small situations reflects good behaviour.

Talk about positive topics. Have the courtesy to listen to them talk.

PS: Never talk about your Ex.


Complementing any person will increase your chances. Being genuine with your compliments doesn't make them look fake. Do not overdo them. Give unique compliments like "You are a good listener" or "Great food preferences". Your date will appreciate the thoughtful gesture and your uniqueness.


Checking your phone in the middle of a conversation screams "I am not interested!". Do not use your phone until it is a matter of importance. Excuse yourself before picking up that call! Give your undivided attention to your date. Checking your Instagram can wait. The first date with them won't come back again.


Show your best self on the first date. Be confident about the things you say( but do not be overconfident). Being friendly and avoiding awkward topics will be helpful for the first date. Have conversations which stay in the memory of your date. Make impressions that last on a first date.


Never end a date with a simple goodbye. If your date went well, let them know. End your date with something like "It was a lovely evening" or "I'd like to see you again". After the day, wait two days and text them a sweet message about meeting up again.

No, you won’t come out as a creep!

PS: Don't forget about the classic "Should I drop you home?"

So, you have it. The ultimate guide to nailing your first date.

The key is to be yourself, put on your best sense of humour, and then you are good to go!

These tips will help you crack your date like a pro.

Happy Dating!

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