Give Your Friend a Shoulder to Cry On: Heartbreak Edition

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Your guide to know!

College life is where we juggle between classes, assignments, fests and late-night parties. But is college life limited to these things?

No, it is much more than attending classes (though 75% attendance is important). It is the time when our friends search for their better half and when they succeed in searching for the one, the main story starts from there.

Your friend's dating life becomes a full-on drama series, isn't it?  Just like "College Romance" but with less editing and more chaos.

Of course, we've all been there, either in the lead role or as the supporting cast, but most importantly helping our friends to navigate through their relationship dramas.

Their love lives could rival any soap opera. 

We all know, when our friends are going through relationship challenges, it’s up to us to be their emotional rock. But sometimes we ended up messing things up more.

How exactly you can do that without turning into a full-time therapist?

Here is your ultimate guide to being the best wingman or woman your friends could ask for.

Be the Listener They Need

friends, Monica and Rachel, Listen your friend actively
Friend, Laughter and Snacks Forever.
When your friend is going through a breakup or relationship challenge, channel your inner Monica.

Remember when Monica helped Rachel through her Ross drama?  She was there with ice cream, tissues, and a plan.

Similarly, when your friend starts spilling the tea about their relationship drama, all they need is someone to listen to them vent while munching on some nachos, ice cream, or their favorite snacks.

Bring the snacks, lend an ear, nod, throw in an “OMG, no way!” and let them pour their heart out. Sometimes, just your presence can make a world of difference.

Be Their Non-Judgmental Soundboard

Relationships are challenging and everyone needs someone to listen to the pain of these challenges without any judgement.

Therefore, whenever your friend comes to you with relationship woes, be like Karan (from College Romance). Listen more, talk less.

Let them vent, cry, or rant about how their partner forgot their anniversary again. Your role is to nod sympathetically and maybe pass the tissue box.

Avoid the “I told you so” or “You should’ve…” like comments.

Be the Honest Voice

Sometimes, your friend might need a dose of reality.
Calm, Reality check in friendship, be gentle and kind
Dose of reality but gently

If you see them making repeated mistakes, like going back to their toxic ex, it’s time to show some tough love but in a gentle manner.

Give them advice but in a gentle way. They might not want to hear that their relationship is more turbulent than a reality TV show, but they need to know you have their best interests at heart.

Encourage them to see their worth and make better choices, but always be kind and supportive.

Offer your thoughts carefully and always from a place of love.

Distract and Cheer Them Up

relationship issues, distressing, friend in need
Know your goal!
When the drama gets too heavy, sometimes the best medicine is a good distraction.

Sometimes relationship issues can be so distressing. At that time, all your friend needs is a distraction.

Remember how the gang in "College Romance" would whisk each other away for a spontaneous road trip or a crazy night out? Suggest a spontaneous road trip, a hike, or even a simple walk around campus with your friend.

Sometimes a little humor can also help a lot. Crack a joke, share a funny meme, or remind them of that hilarious thing that happened in class last week just as Ross lightened the mood with his awkward humor and dino-knowledge in FRIENDS.

The goal is to remind them that there’s more to life than relationship drama and that you’re there for them, no matter what.

Remind Them of Their Worth

College can be a time of self-doubt, especially when the relationship is not going well. these relationship troubles make them forget how amazing they are.

Be the positive force 

Be their cheerleader and boost their confidence. Encourage them to see the positivity in every situation and remind them of their value and strengths.

List their great qualities, recount hilarious memories, and make sure they know their worth is not tied to their relationship status.

Celebrate the Good Times

When your friend’s relationship is on the upswing, celebrate it!
positive vibes only, celebrating happiness
Always shine bright in your friend's happiness

Relationships are all about ups and downs but celebrating your friend's happy relationship moments is also important like their first kiss, them showing affect to their partners or their one-month, two-month or one-year anniversary.

Be their biggest cheerleader. Help them plan a surprise for their partner or just gush about how cute they are together.

These positive reinforcements can help solidify the good moments and make the rough patches more bearable.


College relationships can be as unpredictable as a Netflix plot twist but with a little help from the "Friends" playbook, you’ll be a pro in no time.

Sometimes, just being present is enough. Just remember: be there, bring humor, avoid judgment, encourage fun, provide comfort, and remind them of their worth.

Don't forget to follow the golden rule of college friendships – be there, be real, and always have a stash of snacks and tissues ready.

After all, who needs therapy when you’ve got a best friend like you? Through all the ups and downs, being a supportive friend can make all the difference.

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