Your Ex's Gift: Toss It or Treasure It?

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What do you say?

Ah, the remnants of our past mistakes! Gratefully, the relics of previous relationships—those nostalgic, clever, and once in a while basically confounding tokens of love from previous accomplices. Choosing what to do with these presents may be a trip in and of itself, whether it's the excessively worth cherishing letter, the odd knickknack you never completely caught on, or the expensive adornments that presently bears a overwhelming passionate weight. Hop on with me as we investigate the unusual world of gifts from your ex and consider the age-old predicament of whether to keep, return, or throw them away?

Why Does This Question Even Exist?

Getting through the emotional maze of gifts from your ex is like trying to juggle five apples in one go while wearing a blindfold while riding a one-wheeled cycle—it's confusing, heart wrecking, and guaranteed to leave you scratching your head in confusion in the end. Why, oh why, does the complexity of an issue that seems so straightforward elude us? Is it the nostalgic significance of these keepsakes of love, or is it maybe the anxiety of parting and moving on? Regardless of the circumstances, one thing is certain: the mystery surrounding powers of your ex is one that will always present challenges, elude solutions, and be an extremely exciting ride.

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Letting Go of Gifts from Your Ex Will Forever Be Hard!

Dil ya Dimaag? It's a Battlefield Inside!

A fight as old as time itself, the constant tug-of-war between the heart and the mind. This internal conflict takes on new levels of complexity when it comes to the subject of gifts from ex. Ever the sentimental sap, the heart sings stories of love and lost times, pleading with us to cling to every memento and sign of affection as though our lives depended on it. It begs, "But what if they meant something?" as its heartfelt songs draw at our emotions.

The mind, that logical skeptic, on the other hand, laughs at such emotional drivel and warns us against the dangers of holding on to the past. It insists, "They're just things," playing its rational defenses against the storm of feelings like a sword.

With a steely and determined voice, it orders, "Leave them go and move on."‌‌‌‌ We are therefore torn between the conflict of the head and the yearnings of the heart, and end up trapped in the crossfire of conflicting wants. However, the solution might ultimately lie in striking a careful balance between the two—a place where sentimentality and logic coexist and the past influences the present without overshadowing the future.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Coming to the Main Question Finally, Let's Stroll along the Diverse Perspectives of the Fate of the Gifts from the "Shri Beeti Hui Yaad":

The Club of Keepers:‌‌‌‌

Let's delve into the world of the keepers first. Regardless of where they came from, these are the presents that have earned a spot in your heart and house. What a Hufflepuff behaviour, they're the sweetest! Perhaps it's a beloved vinyl record that serves as the background music for your solo dance parties, a cookbook that holds memories of shared meals, or a nice sweater that still keeps you warm on winter nights. These priceless items serve as a reminder that, despite the breakup of our relationship, the times we had together were genuine and valuable.‌‌

However, what about presents that are in between a heartfelt memento from your ex and a harsh reminder? Maybe it's a framed picture of a once-happy couple, or an artwork that seems tarnished by the giver's recollection. It's acceptable in certain situations to grant yourself the right to retrieve these objects for your own narrative. Until they lose their ability to control you, think of recycling them, covering them with fresh memories, or just putting them away. Living well is, after all, the finest kind of retaliation, and sometimes that means clinging to the things that make you happy, no matter where they came from.

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So Hard to Throw This Away! (╥﹏╥)

The Return Policy:

Let's go on to discussing gifts that have an unspoken return policy. These are the things that, from the beginning, never quite felt like "you"—the novelty mug that now taunts you from the back of the closet, the perfume that interfered with your scent, or the ill-fitting clothes that gave away a less-than-subtle clue about your partner's taste. Even while returning these gifts could feel embarrassing, particularly if the split wasn't amicable, keep in mind that you should surround yourself with happy things.

Returning gifts may be a challenging task, particularly when there are sentimental attachments related to your ex. If the idea of having a face-to-face conversation makes you sweat profusely, think about asking a friend or relative to serve as a mediator. As an alternative, you might take a more subdued approach and return the item by mail along with a short message wishing the recipient well and expressing your gratitude. The ultimate objective is to release yourself from the weight of unwelcome gifts and create room for fresh starts.

By the way, do you guys remember when Ross and Rachel had a fight over returning their belongings after their break up and Ross let her keep his "FRANKIE SAY RELAX" shirt, considering how much she loved it? Who just cut onions without warning me?

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Frankie Say Relax!

The Toss:‌‌‌‌

Finally, but just as importantly, let's explore the murky waters of the toss-up pile. These are the gifts that make you ask, "What was my ex thinking?" and left you scratching your head. Perhaps it's an oddball memento that never quite fit in with your interior design, a jewelry item that completely went flat, or an absurd joke gift that didn't work out well. Though it could be easy to just throw these things in the closest garbage and call it a day (or in Shashi Tharoor's words probably, defenestrate them and call it a day, haha(, think about the prospect of giving them a second chance at life.

As they say, what's trash for one is treasure for another. That oddball artwork can be the ideal conversation starter at a friend's housewarming party, or that eccentric bobblehead might be just the thing to make someone else grin. Or alternatively, just channel your inner Phoebe Buffay and throw a "burn that gift from your ex" party with your friends for the closure, complete with food, beverages, and a good dose of brutal editing, if all else fails.

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Girls' Night Out Is the Best Therapy!


An ex is just a petite character in the comedy of mistakes that is love in the vast circus of life. The most essential thing is that we handle these gifts with humor and a healthy dose of self-awareness, regardless of whether we decide to keep, return, or discard them. Here's to the things that remind us of our past and the hilarity we have ahead of us on our journey: the Bewafa ex or Mr. Wrong Timing wala ex or Mr. One More Mistake Of My Life wala ex (any Chetan Bhagat fans here?). Let us cheers to fresh starts, unforeseen future, and the wonderfully ridiculous shawl of interpersonal connections.‌‌‌‌‌‌

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