Make The First Move On Him!

first move, love, dating, dating advice, dating tips, idyll, idyll dating
Now is the time.
Oh, Hey Girl!

Are you here all ready to shake things up and turn the dating scene into your personal runway? You’re at the right place. In this girl-to-girl talk, let’s look at how making the first move while dating is a cool and downright empowering thing to do!

Everyone likes attention. Am I right or am I right? If you say no, then you're lying... Yes. We agree that everyone has different perspectives when it comes to dating but according to our research, apparently, guys really like it when a girl makes a first move. It is somehow attractive to them. Also, to quote some of them-

It takes the pressure off of them”.

Naked Truth? You should care less about what society would say and focus more on what you want.

We live in the 21st century and this is the world where you plan to take; even snatch, the things you seek, irrespective of your gender. It does not come across as desperate, it is called confidence. Making a move will show the guy that you are obviously into him and that’s the kind of confidence that turns heads!

This blog is exclusively for all our gorgeous ladies, wherein we tell you to get what you want and how.

But but but… Before we look at the “how” part, let’s get clear with one very common question that you and I might have come across:

Why Would You Want To Make The First Move?

Ladies- It’s time for you to take the lead and change the good old perspective. It’s time for you to be the Queen and not the Princess! 👑

Our men also deserve to feel special, right?  And no! Before you say it, let me make it clear to you - NO. You will not seem desperate. It’s a new world sweetheart! Only guys don’t make the first move, girls do, too… if they seem interested in the man.

Giving them proof of desire is sexy. When you make the first move, it gives the impression that you are interested in them and want to pursue this newfound feeling of attraction that you have for them.

So, you know how all women are breaking stereotypes and owning up to themselves, right? Well, making the first move is basically us saying “I can control my love life, thank you very much.”

Plus, it’s a total confidence booster for all of us ladies, too! Cherry on the cake, no? 🎀

How To Make The First Move?

# No regrets. 💋

Confidence is attractive. It’s the ultimate golden ticket to your dating life. An accessory that goes with every outfit. If you feel like you want to date the handsome guy you see passing by or sitting across the table in the restaurant or cafe, go and ask him out.

Stop waiting around or playing games! Life is too short to be playing coy.

When you make a move, make sure it is real. Politeness and Friendliness are two things that can go a long way. No need for some cheesy pick-up lines or some complicated mind games. Be polite. Be friendly. Tell them how you liked them and how they caught your attention. (Maybe it’s that gorgeous ocean eyes!🌊 Tell us about it too. Give us the deets!!)

Make eye contact with them to seem more brave and confident about what you’re doing. Just be quick, because when you wait for a while and find the “right time” to ask them out, you become emotionally invested in them and if things go south way, well - It can be a little rough on you.

If they don’t want to - they will clearly say it out but still -

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. - Wayne Gretzky”
~ Michael Scott.

# Joke or Fool Around 🎀

Let’s talk about taking charge of your dating game because hello!!! We are not waiting for Prince Charming to come and talk to us, we are being our own Fairy Godmothers. Time to grab that cellphone, and channel your inner sass queen and slide into those DMs.

first move, love, dating, dating advice, dating tips, idyll, idyll dating
Text Him NOW!

Take control of charming the guys up, ladies. Initiate the conversation and send them a text online. Make the conversation lighter by making a few jokes and fooling around and see a cute little smile brush up on their handsome faces. Sneak in some flirty and romantic texts here and there and in between and watch how they go from “woah!’ to “wow”.

It's a whole process, girl, I tell you.

Charming someone isn’t as easy as it seems, you know?
Here's what you'll get out of it: When you have fun and joke around, you are most likely to generate the same vibes from them as well. 

If you are an introvert, you can always resort to some dating apps (like Idyll) or social media platforms and start the conversation there. Watch and enjoy the show of having to see their faces light up with their witty banter. HA! It sure is fun. Trust me.

# Invite Them To Do Something 💕

In order to get to know each other better, you can ask them to spend more time with you by inviting them to do something. This can give you both time to engage in more conversations together. Start to spend more time together alone. And, by their actions, you can also get to know if they’re interested in you or not.

If you're looking for some ideas for your date:  Go to get drinks or just a movie, just the two of you, and see if things get right, huh! *Wink Wink*

Pro Tip: When things start to move in the right direction, just break the ice and tell them how you feel about them. 

If he responds positively, then great! But if he says that he doesn’t feel the right way, just try to accept it and the fact that you openly expressed what you felt. You got this, girl! Say it so you have nothing to lose. It’s a win-win situation.

# Subtle and Gentle Touch 🥂

One way by which women are often noticed to be making the first move is by subtly touching or playfully hitting the guys. Works like magic!

It's like charming them without even saying a word.
first move, love, dating, dating advice, dating tips, idyll, idyll dating
Do the magic!

Women usually assume that the favorable preferences of men are often physical and that they might have a positive response to touch. This is true in most cases, won't lie!

This can work even better if you add little and small genuine compliments along. But not just plain compliments - We mean the real deal! Find something to complement them ranging from their appearance to the deep meaning of some compliments. Make sure that it is genuine and not pretentious. Give a compliment when you think they are actually worth being complimented on. It’s about making them feel special and making sure that you are actively noticing them.

So the next time you go out, try this. Throw in a subtle touch, on their shoulder, maybe a playful hit, and seal the deal with a layer of appreciation. See how it works out and tell us when you know he is hooked on you!

# Be Confident ✔

Let’s spill the beans and drop some truth bombs because honey, you deserve nothing less. Understand the fact that if they are interested and feel the same way about you, they will be an equally active participant in the whole process to impress and woo you. If you’re feeling and getting the vibe. He must be getting them, too.

first move, love, dating, dating advice, dating tips, idyll, idyll dating
You Got This, Girl!
It’s a two-way street and not a one-way walk, woman!

Get that clear. And also,

A Lil' Secret!  

This is to remind you- Confidence is the key. Be your authentic self. Be honest and be aligned with what you really are. Be exactly who you are from top to bottom - Unapologetically you and don’t you dare to be shy. Own up to yourself. Be the boss that you were born to be.

Honesty is your superpower. If you like and are vibing with someone- Let. Them. Know.

Know what you are going for and do not for even a single second handle the disrespect. If you see they are not replying to you or have some other intentions, prepare to leave and say adios, amigo. You’re not someone’s backup plan and don’t settle for less. Authenticity is like a magnet and the right ones will be drawn to you almost automatically. We just don’t have time and tolerance for disrespect!!

Remember, you’re a force to be reckoned with and anyone would be lucky to have you.

What Are You Waiting For?

Alright, girlfriends. With this, we wrap up our real talk. This blog is a screaming call for all of you to screw the patriarchy and take some action! Because it’s clearly time to be a queen of our love stories and not the princess waiting to be rescued and chased after. Why? Well, because making the first move isn’t desperate, it is straight-up powerful. It’s all about owning our narrative, making bold moves, and embracing our inner boss!

Girls just wanna have fun!!

So, go out there, make that first move, and let the world see the fierce, fabulous queen that you are!

Also, if you wish to read some more fun and cool blogs about dating make sure to visit our website and download Idyll.

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