Is It Possible To Fall In Love With Two People At The Same Time?

It's you that I love and It's you that I deserve

And he was the prettiest man I've ever seen Sometimes, a man can be pretty too I don't know whether he will appreciate this or not. But what do I do? He is so pretty! Not that his eyes are brown or green, they are usually black. He is the one on my vision board.
Table Of Contents:
Fairytales have always depicted love as a singular arrow
What If Your Heart Beats For Two
I've always wanted to fall in love and be loved. The kind that holds your hand when you feel scared. The kind that knows your food preference and you know theirs. When they don't ask you what's wrong instead they just bring you your favourite ice cream. The kind where I can get drunk and still feel safe about my secrets. The kind that stocks in my favorite food and stays in for a movie night.

And, He is the star in the sky,
A beautiful dream that I can't quite reach.
Melody I can catch it, A rare gem.
Quiet carefree, the boy every girl is crushing over. The charming heart-throb who seems to leave a trail of flustered. Even the intriguing possibility of dating that casanova gives you a confidence boom.
Love Mapping
Variety in love: Embracing diverse connections.

Different people bring different qualities to a relationship. One person ignites your intellectual curiosity, while the other one brings emotional depth.
Stages Of Love

Love is not static, it's dynamic. It evolves over time. One relationship might be comfortable and established while the other one feels new and exciting. You can cherish the stability of one and crave the spark of the other.
Embracing Love's Multitude

Traditional Model Of Love

Polyamory, a relationship where individuals have multiple romantic partners with the consent of everyone involved, offers an alternative perspective of love. Polyamory challenges the idea that love is a resource-limited to a single partner. Instead, it embraces the possibility of falling in love with more than one person simultaneously, where each relationship is fulfilling and emotionally distinct.
Explore Your Feelings

Have An Open Communication
Open communication with both individuals where you share that this is what you are feeling for them. Make it clear that it's just where you are trying to share and not imposing commitment on either of them. Their comfort level and views will be a significant factor in navigating through the situation.
Cinematic Interruption
Ever felt like your heart is playing a romantic tug of war?

The Ultimate Choice

What kind of relationship model aligns with you is completely your call. Be mindful about the potential emotional outcomes of your action that is how your parents and nearest dearest ones are going to perceive it. If still in a dilemma, then don't be reluctant to approach a therapist to help you in this situation.
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