Top 35 best questions to ask your crush!

Do you sometimes find ways to talk to your crush but don't know what to say?
Well, we have all been there!
Crushes are fun to have, but they may seem terrifying when it's time to talk to them!
But don't worry!
We've got you. Here is a list of 35 questions that are proven legit that you can ask your crush to get to know them better.
Here's a list of flirty questions that you can ask your crush, because, let's be honest, we all like flirting with our crushes.
- What's your favorite pickup line?
- What makes you smile?
- Describe your idea of a perfect date.
- Do you think you and I are a perfect match?
- I know you like music. Wanna go out with me to a concert?
- Do you enjoy massages?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- What's the quirkiest thing about you?
- Do you like slow dancing?
- Do you find people attractive or have brains?
If you make your crush laugh, that's the only thing they are going to remember at the end of the day! So ask them funny questions. We are helping you by making a list of it!
- What are the 'old people' things you do?
- What would you want to become—Tom or Jerry?
- How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?
- What is that one cheesy song you remember by heart?
- What's your spirit animal and why?
- Do you like being lazy on Sundays?
- What is that one chore you hate but still have to do?
- What is the stupidest thing you own?
- Do you also think that laughing monkeys are funny to look at?
- Have you ever taken a class just for fun?
There are many questions that you can ask your crush, but making the right choice will increase your chances of a date with them.
Here are a bundle of questions you can ask!
- What's your favorite season and why?
- Do you have any allergies?
- Are you a morning person or a night owl?
- Are you looking for a chance to date someone?
- Which celebrity crush do you want to meet?
- What are your favorite types of movies?
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
- How would your friends describe you?
- Do you think we have something in common?
- Are you a call person or a text person?
- What do you value in a relationship?
- What do you think about open relationships?
- If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy first?
- How important do you feel dates are in a relationship?
- Have you ever been in love?
These are a set of questions that you can ask your crush.
Do not ask them all at once; otherwise, you would seem creepy, and you obviously won't want that.
Ask these questions to get to know your crush more closely and decide whether or not to ask out for a date.
Happy Questioning!
Happy Dating!
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